Friday, June 24, 2011

Fern Wood

 Not to be confused with 
Hiking is always an inexpensive fun Activity. In Layton there is a nice Hiking trail for kids. There is not much shade but it's a pretty easy hike. The address is. 
 3333 Fernwood Park road. Layton, UT 

You can get there by
Taking Highway 89 to Layton
Turn East on Cherry Lane
Turn East onto Fern Wood Drive
Follow Fern wood drive all the way up until you see a castle, go past the castle and you'll enter a parking lot. 

The little back packers
What you should pack
(Beef jerky, granola bars, nuts, dried fruit or gummies, 
crackers, etc things that won't melt)
Bug spray, a hat, a back pack, Sunblock. sun glasses, wet wipes, band aids, a camera 

The Castle you'll spot at the beginning of the trail. 
You could always fib and tell your lil princess that it's where Cinderella lives. :) 

Every thing is really green an lively right now. It's also gorgeous in the fall when the leaves change colors. You just have to be careful of Rattle snakes. 

Rattle Snake 101
 Rattle snakes are more scared of you then you are of them.
 If they hear you coming they'll usually move off the trail. 
They don't generally strike unless you harass them.
Your pretty safe as long as you stick to the paved trail. 
If you suffer a rattlesnake bite, seek medical attention as soon as possible.  Remain calm and immobilize the wound, keeping it below heart level.  Do not apply a tourniquet,(unless you can not get to a hospital, but if you do you could loose a limb) cut or suction the wound, and do not apply ice. 

The boys made Guns from sticks. Great imaginations!
They found lots of Rollie pollies.
As well as other bugs, like huge bumble bees, buterfiles, dragonflies and Lizards.

There is small creek to cool the kids off in. 

At the top of the trail you get to see a gorgeous view of the Valley.