Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ogden Nature Center

Since blogger is lame this video of Fred speaking Turkey will have to be posted separately.

Nature Center (take II)

We visited the Ogden Nature center again. Since I've already posted the information about this place I decided to just post pictures of the kids for this post. But, if your curious about the Nature Center you can read my original blog post about it   HERE.

We originally went to meet Pueo the Owl but it was way to hot in the room .  
So we ventured out on the trails. Where we were eaten alive by Misquotes. BRING REPELLENT IF YOU GO!

We let the kids wreck the Gift shop. Ooops! :) 

The Mommies! 
Except Crystal. :( How did I miss you!

Devin was so nice and shared his yummy Gold fish with all the kids. 

Today I learned Freddie speaks Turkish. :) 
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